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It has been a very rewarding week for all our pupils in P6/7 with everyone working together to achieve their full potential.

InĀ  maths we have begun to learn time and everyone has set their own personal targets on what they hope to achieve - please discuss this with your child to see how you can support them.

In literacy we have written predictions about our futures. P7 have continued to read Anne Frank's diary and learned more about her carefree life before the Germans occupied the Netherlands and predicted what would happen next in the chapter entitled "Everything is Forbidden".

Our P6s have read the next Chapter in Private Peaceful and written their predictions on how Tommo is feeling as dawn approaches.

We have continued to focus on summarising skills in our reading comprehension and the children have all shown significant progress - well done.

It has been a delight to share progress at the parent contact appointments - it has been a privilege to work with the children and with the last week of term almost here it is hard to believe we are heading into the final term.

Congratulations to Laima Lowe and our P6 hockey players who scooped the Gold in the tournament.

Congratulations to Jacob Myles who won Gold for his routine in acrobatics at the weekend with Acrobay. Jacob will now proceed to the British Gymnastics Final and we wish him every success!

Well done to Amelia Law our social target winner and to all our P67s who won class of the week and earned extra time at break this week - I'm absolutely delighted!

Next week a wee request for pupils to bring outdoor learning clothes on Tuesday as we will be outside developing school grounds as part of John Muir Explorer award. Waterproofs and Wellies please! Anyone without a suitable change of footwear will not be permitted and arrangements will be made for them to complete work indoors as I do not want anyone to have cold wet feet!

Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Watt & P67