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A bright and impressive week of learning with P6/7 returning to Canmore  for Term 4 with what seems like unlimited enthusiasm.

In our Numeracy work, we have focused on division and dividing whole numbers by single digits without remainders.  We are moving on to division with remainders and will learn about using decimals to support this next week.

In Literacy,  we have been working on P7 YEARBOOK profiles and P6 Buddy application forms for next session. Lots of personal qualities and experiences being shared and discussed and the children have been catching with each other in a positive and happy way.

We have 'Joseph' show rehearsals under way and pupils all have parts - your child has their own script and this is also available on SEESAW in the JOSEPH folder.

We will finish our Conflict studies over the next few weeks as we finish our novel 'Goodnight Mr Tom' by the June day holiday.

In Science, we have added fertiliser to our seedlings and will closely monitor and observe growth.

Outdoor P.E has focused on Basketball and a wee reminder gym kit to be worn on Mondays and Wednesdays. Full school uniform including tie on other days.

Please remember to select lunch choices (including pack lunches) on Ipayimpact .

Our Sports Leaders Joshua, Max, Neeson and Aiden have spent time this week with Alex Bird Active Schools Sports Co-ordinator to help with new games and positive attitudes towards P.E - well done boys!

Congratulations to Kristian Bednar our Social Target Winner - the whole class has made a great start to term 4 and I look forward to the parent telephone appts in the next fortnight to discuss learning and settling back routines.

A special mention to Caleb Reid who has passed his Grade 2 drumming !

Have a happy weekend
Mrs Watt & P6/7