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Hi Everyone!
What a fantastic week it has been in Canmore Primary School. We have really started getting into the seasonal spirit with our enterprise and I'm certain you would agree the pupils have made wonderful creations. All proceeds go the school funds so please remember to send your money for your items in a clearly labelled envelope (no change given).

Our pupils have completed their learning at this point on fractions, decimals and percentages and are looking forward to working with money and shape until the winter holidays.  

Christmas Jumper day was a fun way to end the week with the children all merry and bright enjoying their time together.  Our science lesson involved making 3D shapes which we have up in the classroom as alternative decorations.

Our hockey session on Tuesday was engaging and pupils are reminded to dress for the weather for the second input this week. Lots of cold fingers and toes so please remember gloves, cosy socks, hats and slippers for in the classroom.  Pupils are welcome to wear festive clothes from now until the winter break.  

We look forward to the Christmas Lunch on Wednesday 15th December'21.

At this time of year I feel thankful, humble and privileged to be a teacher and I hope to ensure everyone has a lovely seasonal time!

Looking forward to our final full week.
Enjoy the weekend
Mrs Watt