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A very busy week of exciting, challenging and fun learning in the classroom!

Pupils have learned about speech marks and included these in their imaginative stories.  Pupils also listened out for metaphors in pop songs to help them with descriptive sentences. We found SO many in Disney tracks!

In our number work we continued with time and the rule of 60 and finished work revising the 9 x table. We have looked in depth at 6,7,8,9 xtables - please continue to practise these at home. Next week we begin short and long multiplication in class.

In our Japan topic we continued to explore Volcanoes and this linked to our STEAM experiences constructing a paper mache volcano ahead of next week's chemical reaction experiments.

P67 have been designing Christmas Cards and have these home with them in their bags. Instructions on how to order (and return original IF ordering) are included. Lots of creative and seasonal designs - such a talented cohort! hard to believe Christmas is only 85 days away.

As the end of term draws near a wee reminder there will be a class lunch where we finish the term together in the classroom not the dinner hall.  Pupils are asked to bring their own packed lunch and sit and chat together in the classroom. (Usual school lunches will be available this is simply an opportunity to all sit together - Covid guidelines will of course be followed)

Congratulations to Ben Cochrane and Zack Donachie our social target winners this week.