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News - What a wonderful week of mixed opportunities for our class 

Those that went to Ardroy - I hope you have enjoyed seeing the photos on SEESAW and please remember to access the official ARdroy Flickr feed here
Canmore PS Mar 24 | Flickr 

Those that remained in school have been outdoors refreshing the school planters and a highlight for the week - organising and running the World Book Day Book Swap and Design competitions - which was a remarkable success - well done everyone! We have set the next chapter in Private Peaceful for homework- please remember to sign your child's reading record and support their learning activities if needed.

P6 pupils have completed their number work on fractions, decimals and percentages and moved onto Algebra.

They have completed STEM learning with P3/4 partners and created treats for mothering Sunday which linked perfectly with their RME lessons on the Sundays of Lent.

Dougie was in for P6 Hockey and well done to those that were selected to play for the team.

Congratulations to Kyle Henderson our social target winner of the week.

It's been such a fast week and I wish you all a lovely weekend.

Mrs Watt & P67