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What a wonderful week of energy, laughter and learning! The Rock Bottom show auditions were of such an impressive standard - well done to everyone! The castings are all complete and the pupils got the first rehearsals underway with lots and lots of laughter.  It is such a fantastic opportunity for the pupils to put on a P7 Show and we can't wait to share it with you mid June.

All will be available to the pupils at the start of Term 4.  Scripts are being sent to the school print shop and pupils will each receive their own - such a valuable piece of P7 memorabilia.

All the pupils participated in a Handball taster session on Thursday morning and there is a letter home with your child sharing more information about available handball sessions - so please look out for these.

In our number work pupils have begun work on bearings and direction and will transfer this into work on co-ordinates and scale drawings next week.

Our French language lessons have encouraged the pupils to practise ordering food and we look forward to the french themed breakfast all together in the wet bay with them on Monday,

The highlight for many pupils this week was the Canmore Primary School Celebrations of 25 years of World Book Day. Pupils organised a wonderful Book Swap with every pupil in the school embracing this years theme " You are a reader."  We completed lots of engaging learning activities including tasks linked to War Horse - we are now up to chapter 10 if you are reading along at home. Thank you to everyone who donated for this event.

The cohort joined a Scholastic Live event on MSTeams to create comics manga style and there was a real buzz of success in the classrooms.

Our STEM lessons this week focused on completing tasks linked to our Conflict Studies - please look out for your child's learning journey on SEESAW.

Next week show rehearsals will continue in the afternoons.  Pupils are reminded school uniform Mon & Friday and the other days gym clothes.

Congratulations to Emily Hands our social target winner this week. She has helped many children in her role as Tech Team and went the extra mile this week with a pupil outside of school hours.

Parent contact evenings begin next week - please contact the office if you require help making an appointment.  

Enjoy your weekend.
Mrs Watt.