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Our final full week of term has been our busiest week of the year!
Monday had an exciting start with ‘Meet the Teacher’ throughout the school where the P6 children were delighted to hear they were moving into Mr Morgan's room and being reunited with the rest of the P6 cohort creating two straight P7A and P7B classes.  They were even more delighted to learn that we intend on teaching them as a whole cohort where possible to keep friendship groups open and to prepare them for their transition next summer into S1.

Our digital journeys continue with a visit from SmartStems who delivered a Cyber Security workshop where pupils decrypted puzzles and encrypted messages – please ask your child about their experience.

We also teamed up with Scholastic to attend an MSTeams meet with the author of the Nowhere Emporium Series – Ross McKenzie followed swiftly by a series of online workshops with Dynamic Earth.
The highlight of the week for P7s was of course the SHOW! We hope you all enjoyed the night! Rock Bottom certainly Rocks! I am so incredibly proud of everyone’s efforts. Well done P7 you are incredibly talented cohort and you shone bright like the stars you are.
A wonderful end of year treat on Thursday saw the pupils enjoy inflatable fun on the field – please look out for photos on SEESAW.
Our week has flown in!
Congratulations to Ellie Louise Tait who won her second social target this week.
Our P7s ended  the week on a real high with many of them abseiling for the first time at Dalguise
The opportunity to spend time together and try out new things was embraced by them all.
Next week a few dates for a reminder – Monday Odeon trip 9am sharp departure please wear school uniform and bring a water bottle & packed lunch/ Tuesday Careers Fair/Wednesday Buddy Party P7 SHIRT SIGNING (please bring a spare shirt to leave in the hall) and evening hide and seek / Thursday last day.
Enjoy your weekend

Mrs Watt & P6/7