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Another wonderful week packed full of personal achievements – it always amazes me how much we fit into a short week!
In literacy our pupils have been writing about their Jubilee weekend and their own personal experiences.  We have focused on sharing feelings, emotions and positive statements. The pupils have created a beautiful keepsake that will come home with them at the end of term.
Homework has been supported in class time with pupils continuing to develop their career boards and we have given the pupils the date Monday 20th June for their in-school careers fair. Please speak to your child and help them prepare.

Throughout this week in class, our pupils have been discussing RSHP (Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood). Pupils have been very respectful and sensible during these times and contributed well during our discussions.  A link to the material we are using has been placed on Seesaw should you wish to view and talk it through with your child.

In numeracy we have explored problem solving in groups strengthening deeper thinking skills.  We will continue to look at Problem Solving strategies next week.  Our P6s have complete material on data handling and will explore problem solving strategies next week.
Our P6s continue to read their novel Private Peaceful and explore themes and vocabulary.

P7 High School visits are next week (Tues/Weds/Thurs). Could I please take this opportunity to remind everyone to plan ahead with their child, particularly for lunch choices on iPay Impact, pens/pencils must be taken each day, travel, times, uniforms and sports clothing requirements for the three days they will be attending. Information regarding all of these has recently been communicated to you by the school office if you are unsure and need to check again. (Tuesday outdoor gym clothes/ Weds & Thursday school uniform as pupils will follow their timetables) Good luck everyone for next week!
Our P6s will follow a very focused program next week as they prepare themselves to be P7s. Some pupils have been completing PPS training and buddy tasks and will enjoy a quieter classroom whilst the P7s are at DHS.

Congratulations to Teagan McMurray who is this week’s Social Target winner.

This year I have worked very closely with the Fife STEM team to deliver a range of engaging STEM experiences for the children.  Recently the cohort won the SCDI Science club of the Year award and the celebrations continued as we very recently put pupil STEM Superhero ideas forward as part of a Fife Council Competition. (you will have seen your child’s work on SEESAW)  I am delighted to share that out of over 300 entries Canmore PS were the overall winners in the P5-7 category and several highly commended places amongst the senior cohort.

The buzz around the classroom is fantastic and the pupils are full of energy to see them through the last few weeks of term.
A few dates for your diaries – please remember P7 high school visits, Tues, Weds, Thurs and the P7 party night Friday.  P6s gym kits on Wednesday please. 
Have a lovely weekend.  P67 & Mrs Watt