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Our class were very supportive and helped out with the Sports Day events - well done everyone - the weather was mixed but it didnt stop everyone having a great time. Look out for highlights on SEESAW.

In our number work Ben Cochrane our Eco rep helped pupils understand and interact with raw data from our Big Plastic Count. Pupils created graphs and displayed these in school.

Our writing on instructions is now complete and pupils have applied their understanding in various contexts including rules, recipes and coding.

Our P7s visited Dunfermline High School for a practical session - please ask your child how they got on meeting Mr Buchanan and other staff members.

Congratulations to Katie Hanna our social target winner!

Monday brings the last of our visits to Lochore Meadows for P7 - please dress appropriately for mixed weather, remember to bring packed lunch and water bottle.  Next week is a short one packed full of Queen's Jubilee celebrations.  We welcome any decorations/cake stands/prepacked cakes for our afternoon tea pupil celebrations. (Please send cake donations Monday/no nuts please)

A reminder that homework this term is a Personal Project with a Careers focus and a prize will be awarded by the Andrew Carnegie Trust for effort.  This week pupils are to continue to build up their information on the career they have chosen. Our class will be presenting their career boards to the P4,5,6 classes shortly so please support your child with this task.

Hope the sun stays shining this weekend!
Mrs Watt & P67