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Our pupils have worked well together this week developing learning more about their own personal qualities and skills.

We have been discussing career options and pupils learned how to write their own personal statements. Our P6s completed application forms for Playground Pupil Supervisors and I wish them all good luck in their interviews next week.

P6 are reading a class novel called Private Peaceful. We will be watching parts of the movie to accompany the chapters we read. Please let the office know if you do not wish your child to watch the movie as it is rated a 12.

In our STEM lessons pupils have begun pitching their eco saving concepts and designing their models for the latest Microbit Challenge and this weill continue next week.

In our maths we have completed a block on algebra and will look at problem solving strategies next week.

Not the news we expected to receive but this week the P7 trip to Dalguise was cancelled.  The Pupils have taken the news as well as can be expected and have focused their energy on the Show.

A date for your diary 22.6.22 Starting at 6pm - 2 tickets per family - see you there! We are also welcoming 2 parents per family to sports day with the P4-7 events on Thursday 26th May 9.30 onwards and the infants P1-3 in the afternoon (weather dependent) So see you there!

It has been a short week - always a surprise to see how much learning we can fit into a few days.

See you Monday!
Mrs Watt & P6/7