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A wonderful week of learning with our P7s creating Anderson shelter models and descriptive details on the advantages and disadvantages of this type of air raid protection.

P6s explored make do and mend and completed their aprons - look out for their photos on SEESAW.

In maths our focus for the whole class was single digit with and without remainders and some pupils moved into double digit long division. This will remain our focus for next week too.

Nick Grew was in from HSBC to deliver a finance talk, the P7s also met with Mrs Aitken Depute Rector from DHS who shared an introductory presentation on S1.
Our P6s received a workshop on Internet Safety from PC Ian McArthur from Fife Constabulary, They then created their own info boards - please ask your child about their experiences.

Both classes came together to learn about personal milestones and a request has been made by the yearbook Committee for a baby photo to be uploaded to SEESAW for their pages.

Both classes also came together for singing practise ahead of the Fife Festival of Music on Tuesday 30th January. Please contact the office if you can join us on the bus for the event. 

Scottish Poetry recitals finals are next week. All pupils are to perform their chosen poem on Tuesday. Please support your child learning - we will be offering the children a small treat and some Irn Bru on Thursday (Burns Day). Pupils are welcome to wear a touch of tartan on this day.

Our P7s are reading Anne Franks Diary. Please read along at home. We will be watching excerpts of Boy in Striped Pyjamas (this is a 13 so please let me know if you wish your child to opt out)

P6s are reading Private Peaceful and we are up to Chapter 2. Please ensure reading books are returned signed on Fridays to help support their reading progress this term.

With the weather being icy we have been very careful in our playgound. Please remember to dress appropriately for the weather.

Congratulations to Brooke Murray our social target winner this week.

Wrap up warm and have a lovely weekend
Mrs Watt & P67