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Our first full week back at Canmore Primary School has been jam packed full of learning experiences and the pupils have come back with a resilient and responsible approach to their learning. A great start to 2024.

Our P6s have begun reading their WW1 novel Private Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo and have homework reading linked to Chapter 1. Please ensure these books return to school for Friday's weekly reading session.

Our P6s have begun a series of sewing workshops and have started to sew aprons in the style of WW1 aprons.  Please send in any useable fabric especially fleece if you have any you can donate to their future projects under their learning objectives with textiles as we 'Make do and Mend.'

P7s have begun reading the Diary of Anne Frank and have been introduced to the concepts of evacuation and persecution. We used green screen technology to send P7 back in time on the London Platforms on the morning of August 31st 1939 - please ask your child what they have learned about operation 'pied piper'.  January 27th is the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust / International Holocaust Remembrance Day and our learning over the next fortnight will touch on the conditions Anne lived in at the time.

In our writing pupils have continued to explore expositions and persuasive texts. We linked this to the hot topic of School Uniform. For the remainder of Term 3 school uniform is only required on our Reconnector Days (Mon/Fri).

In maths we have begun a set of development lessons on division and some pupils are still unsure of their times tables. Please follow this up at home short daily practise can make a massive improvement over a term.

Our Spanish lessons continue and we welcomed Lucy Beattie back from DHS to deliver some fun games and activities with pupils on Monday afternoons.

Our P7 Summer Show auditions and casting took place this week. Pupils have control over the auditions and the quality of performance was high. Well done to everyone involved.  Drama lessons this term will focus on skill development to support the show in Term 4.

P7s have begun talking about preparations for Ardroy - a very exciting and worthwhile experience. Please look at the kit list and start thinking about the preparations.

In our health lessons we have discussed looking after ourselves and being responsible with our manners and actions. We wrote personal timelines and included key milestones from our lives so far! Pupils have been asked to bring in a baby photo to show their classmates (any age really but the younger photos are SO CUTE!) this will also be used on their personal Yearbook Page. Emily Abrams is head of this year's P7 yearbook committee and she is asking everyone to upload ONE photo to SEESAW which she can then add to the book.
Dates for your diary:
We have a visit arranged this Tuesday morning from Wullie Oliphant who works with the PARS Media team who is coming in to deliver a series of workshops to P67 on Scots Language.  This further supports the pupils with their Scottish Poetry recital. Words are availlable on SEESAW there is a homework task each week to be completed.

We also look forward to welcoming Nick Grew from HSBC who will deliver a finance talk on Wednesday morning.

Congratulations to Fiona Moffat & Riley Napier our social target winners.

Have a lovely weekend,
P67 & Mrs Watt