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The second last week of Term 3 has ended and the pupils would all agree this term has just flown in!

Benchball was the word today with the upper school inter-house championship. Lots of excitement and some fantastic games played - well done to everyone involved.

In our maths lessons the P6s revised lines of symmetry using mirrors, folds and explored reflections. Our P7s explored using a scale in drawings. and created their own design briefs.

Congratulations to Daniel Grablewski our social target winner this week.

Our cohort enjoyed an Author's Live event with Cressida Cowell - please ask your child about it!
We have finished reading War Horse and will watch the movie next Wednesday afternoon. 

The last day of term is a fun day organised by our Junior Sports Leader to raise funds for PE equipment - all donations welcomed.  The Junior Sports Leaders will be hosting a SPLAT_A_THON where pupils can pay to splat their JSL with a wet sponge - its sure to be fun!   Well done Junior Sports Leaders for such a creative idea.  This is a dress down day for all pupils.

With the sunny weather and blue skies it finally feels like Spring is here and the pupils have been discussing the clock change and Mother's Day celebrations this weekend. The sunshine is uplifting and the pupils have been full of cheer. We hope you enjoy their creations and the flowers of the month of March donated kindly to our class from EATS a local business promoting sustainability.

Enjoy the weekend
Mrs Watt