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Another quick round up of the P6/7 learning this week!

So many incredible experiences for the class but the highlight for most was our STEM lessons on sustainable energy using really cool piecesof kit -  BBC Micro-bits!  As many of you may already know I held an MsC IT before my teaching degree and I absolutely love coding games/robotics - so it was extremely exciting to help the children apply their existing coding skills to a programmable device! Please take a look at the coding language here Microsoft MakeCode for micro:bit (microbit.org) and check out their results on SEESAW.  

Last week you will remember we looked at Careers in the Energy Industry and this week we received an input on career possibilities in the Financial Industry with a presentation from Mr Nick Grew from HSBC.  We would welcome career talks from any willing parents over MSTeams in Term 4 or via appointments arranged through Mrs Howie.

In our literacy studies our class has been developing summarising skills as we make our way towards the end of our novel War Horse.  There was a lot of tears as Joey and Topthorn became prisoners of war and sadly, Topthorn died.  The pupils have really engaged in this novel and have a fresh understanding of the role of animals in the war. We have watched clips to support reading and will watch the movie in the last week of term. Please contact the office if you wish your child to opt out.

In our maths this week pupils revised co-ordinates, position and movement. We looked at plotting grid points around an origin in 4 quadrants using negative number positions.  We then explored positive and negative numbers on a thermometer and number line. Ask your child about their understanding.

Our Conflict Study packs will be home with the pupils next week.  Our P6 pupils have explored emotions through photographs and gained a deeper understanding of the need for resourcefulness and making do.  Our P7 Pupils explored rationing in more detail and the DIG for Victory Campaign.  We went outside to explore the allotment possibilities of the school garden and all got our gardening gloves on to plant some spring flowers in the sunshine. Well done to all the children for working together (and clearning up afterwards)

Congratulations to Leo Hargreaves our Social Target winner this week.

Congratulations to our talented young photographers Zack Donachie placed 1st in our school section of the 2022 Young Photographers Competition by the Rotary Club - Well done Zack
Teagan 2nd place
Isla & Olivia 3rd place equal
It is always such a delight to see pupil work recognised in the community - well done to all the children who participated.

We finished the week with our Comic Relief Day raising awareness with pupils of this Charity's legacy. Lots of fun activities completed throughout the day including a jokeathon - I couldn't keep a straight face - can you? 

Dates for the diary next week include the School Benchball Tournament next Friday - pupils are invited to dress in house colours for this.  There is also the first of the events for girls 3.45-5pm at DHS so if you haven't already signed up for a session please contact DHS for more info.

Our class would like to thank the 'grown ups at home' for all the feedback and encouragement shared about learning journeys on SEESAW.  Your child's face lights up when they see parent comments when they post work - such an incredible opportunity to see into their window of learning and to support them directly.

Looking forward to Monday
Mrs Watt & P67