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Another week has flown in and the highlights for the pupils included lots of learning and of course Show Rehearsals!

Parent Contact telephone appointments have all been underway and it was wonderful to talk with so many parents about their child's progress and achievements.  

One of the highlights this week included the French Breakfast the pupils experienced on Monday.  Everyone tried their very best to hold conversations welcomng guests to their Cafe and taking their orders.  Such an engaging way to consolidate our French language lessons.

In literacy the pupils have shared on SEESAW creative writing linked to the class novel War Horse. Joey has become a Prisoner of War and the pupils have learned more about this through the novel.  We have also looked at how we connect-to-text and how our own prior knowledge and experiences impact how we interpret what we read and see.

In our number work the pupils have been working with co-ordinates and lots of progress has been made by all.

In our STEM lessons our pupils have been looking at water conservation and how to make fuel cells to power a bulb, buzzer and motor.  Pupils also visited the World of Work website to research and learn more about Careers in the Energy Industry. Please ask your own child what careers they put in their top 3.

Congratulations to Lily Hay Stenhouse our social target winner this week.

A few dates to note in the diary for next week include: a visitor from HSBC on Wednesday morning and the dress down for Comic Relief on Friday with further communication about this shared by Mrs Howie in the app.

Have a wonderful weekend.
P67 & Mrs Watt