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It is always amazing how quickly a short week flies in and how much the children can achieve.

This week in Literacy we wrote letters to the Prime Minister about our opinions and concerns regarding Climate Change and the discussions at COP26. Everyone has learned about persuasive openers and language and included this type of vocabulary to improve the quality of their letter. Some children included emotional language and even rhetoric questions to create emphasis and tone in their pieces.

In Maths we began with short division of whole numbers with and without remainders and some of us even extended into decimal work. We will continue to explore division next week as we progress into decimal, fractions and percentage work.

We worked together to develop our awareness of Remembrance Day and the events around the world on Remembrance Sunday. 

P67 are invited to dress down for Children in Need Pudsey Bear Friday 19th November (£1 donation if possible) and thanks to a very persuasive letter may come to school in their PJs as the day will be packed full of fun learning activities as we gain more understanding of the work of this charity.

Next week we will also be pulling together all the final elements of our Japan Topic and hope to read the final chapters of our class novel Kensuke Kingdom. Please catch up on the chapters in the SEESAW reading folder if you are reading along at home.

We will also be exploring themes related to national Anti-Bullying week One Kind Word. Pupils are invited to wear ODD SOCKS all week to share in a national drive to support how unique and special we all are! Looking forward to a fabulous week - see you Monday!

Enjoy the long weekend.
Mrs Watt