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Week 4 has been packed full of learning and our P6/7 class are making this term one to remember!

Reading has been a focus this week and we have now finished Chapter 3. Please remember you can access the novel in your child's learning journal or here if you wish to read along at home Kensuke’s Kingdom

A highlight for many pupils included our music lesson on rhythm and Japanese drumming. We took our learning into the playground and discovered we could communicate really well by sounding out words using the tap and beat of drumsticks hitting tarmac.

On Thursday, we welcomed our friends from Barnardo Scotland who delivered a workshop to P7 pupils only on substances and drug use. Sharon, from the team, explained how several substances affect different parts of the body and discussions around caffeine and vaping generated lots of questions. 

Our P6 pupils were extra creative this week with their work on Peculiar Pets! It always amazes me what children can imagine and these were simply brilliant!

Another highlight this week has been the overall class progress in learning their 8 x tables. All pupils are more accurate and quicker with their recall. Please compete at home to see who can score the most correct in a minute at Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (topmarks.co.uk)

In literacy, our work we continued on vocabulary building and applying adjective phrases and ly adverbs in our work describing what our senses revealed as we stepped into a Japanese Bamboo Grove. Look out for your child's work on SEESAW.

This week in topic we have explored what causes earthquakes and what they do in Japan to be prepared and stay safe. Did you know that they have over 1000 earthquakes a year? Our pupils have discovered many interesting facts - please ask them!
We also looked at traditional sports and discovered the Grand Tournament in Sumo starts in Tokyo next week!

Congratulations to Emily Abrams and Shahd Clough who are this week's social target winners. Our focus was on a positive mindset and using their manners. Our whole class has shone this week but these two went the extra mile in class and the dining hall. Well deserved & well done to everyone for putting in the effort this week to show good manners.

This Tuesday afternoon Douglas Hill will be in running hockey tester sessions and pupils have the opportunity to attend an after school hockey club. Please contact the office should you wish your child to attend the after school club 3-4pm.
We are delighted to welcome senior pupils next Friday for a touch rugby session. This will replace our outdoor gym on Tuesday. Fingers crossed we will have sunshine and a dry field but if not we might get muddy so please ensure to wear old gym clothes and trainers. Whatver the weather it's going to be lots of fun!

Finally, our pupils are really excited about the Reconnector this Monday as it will be time to vote for House Captains, Vice Captains and House Ambassadors.  I have encouraged all our pupils to prepare a speech as I can see the potential in all of them - we have such fantastic individuals in our school.  Pupils have been asked to prepare a speech to promote themselves and their House, which will be followed by a pupil vote.

The successful pupils will join Ruaridh (headboy) Cameron (depute head boy) Natalia (head girl) and Katie (depute head girl) as Junior Leadership Team.
These are extremely rewarding positions and I wish all pupils good luck with their speeches.

Pupils will also be offered the opportunities to join school committees in the following weeks.  

Thank you for being part of the Canmore PS family,
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Watt & P6/7