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Happy Friday!

Our classroom has a warm and welcoming vibe and this week we have begun to place some WAGOLLS (What a good one looks like) on display. Look out for our artwork, writing and number work when you visit next week for the Meet the Parent session at 2.30pm.

Here are some of this week's highlights;

Pupils have begun to create their class charter. We have held discussions reflecting their hopes for the year, how this can be supported with reflection on the school values and how it can uphold the UN Convention on Rights of the Child. There has been a lot to think about and I look forward to sharing the end result when it is finalised early next week. 

In our literacy lessons we have begun to explore and develop our descriptive writing as part of the term focus on imaginative writing. Dragon themed writing and illustrations have been our starting point and next week we develop this further.

Our number work has reinforced understanding of place value. Everyone is ready to move onto addition so please look out for their 'show me' mats next week on SEESAW.

Outdoor learning reflected P67 co-operation and creativity as pupils created art outdoors using only natural materials inspired by the work of Andy Goldsworthy. Please let your child repeat this activity in the open spaces near you - the possibilities are endless!

A polite reminder that pupil homework is due in on Monday. P7s have spelling work to complete, JLT Application (optional) and a design task to submit on SEESAW.  P6 spelling tasks, All about me activity and and a Pokemon design task.  Thank you to everyone who has already submitted their responses.

Congratulations to Alyssa this week for winning our social target award.  Pupils were asked to focus on starting the term with a positive mindset and P6/7 have achieved this whole-heartedly, including Alyssa, who I felt has gone the extra mile to help others around the school including her friends, new classmates and p1 buddy. Well done Alyssa we are all very proud of you. 

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Watt & P7