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We started our week welcoming back our P7s from Ardroy with a World Book Day themed day. Pupils were all given the opportunity to read to younger pupils and to explore new stories.  We have been focusing on developing our summarising and predicting skills this term and will continue to develop these skills until the end of term.

In maths our class have begun to learn about time and reading an analogue clock confidently is our main target. Please support your child with this at home.

In STeM we continue explore sustainable science and the class have been looking at adding to their Eco School designs. We will look at this in more depth next week. The rooftop gardens have grown and pupils were amazed to see the seedlings lean so obviously towards the light coming in the window. 

Congratulations to our social target winner, Alessandro! 

Red Nose Day was the highlight of the week and it was great to finish Friday with all the pupil's jokes. Well done for supporting such a worthy cause.

See you Monday
Mrs Watt & P67