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This week we have focused on developing our number work. All pupils have had their understanding of common fractions, percentages and decimals reinforced. All pupils are more confident in recognising 3 different ways to represent a value and feel more secure in their understanding of how these are used in society.

In our writing P7s have been writing texts reflecting on their own personal experiences. The high school visits have been the highlight of the week - please ask your child how they are feeling.

P6s have explored dreams and created detailed responses using ambitious vocabulary and a range of punctuation, dreams are very personal and sometimes quite scary! but they can be inspirational too - I hope you enjoy reading your own child's work.

We have had a massive focus on STEM this week as we make our way through the Climate Smarter porject. Pupils have been set the task to create a water saving poster for homework. This will be part of their Eco School design and is a really crucial part of the overall competition entry.

We ended the week with a fantastic performance at the Dunfermline High School Scottish Dance Festival - well done to everyone involved - what a wonderful end to the week! 

Congratulations to Kara Hynd our social target winner this week,your certificate will be presented at Reconnector on Monday!

Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Watt & P67