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Welcome to the P6/7 Update!

Another week packed full of experiences and learning.  I am incredibly proud of the class this week as I can see everyone trying their very best with their learning.

In our number work pupils have improved their understanding of fractions and we will apply this to working with percentages next week. If you wish to practice further with your child please visit mathsbot.com which has a question generator and also encourage your child to use hit the button division as much as possible to improve their automaticity.

In our writing we have been following instructions to make, bake and create! The importance of sequence, main and supporting details have been explored and the children have had lots of hands on practical opportunities to reinforce their learning.

We had our final workshop with Wullie Oliphant who introduced the children to scottish animals & beasties. Your child will be tasked to make a quiz on these - how many can YOU get right? Some surprised me!

P6/7 have been invited to attend the Scottish Dance Festival hosted at DHS on Friday 23rd February. Please let me know if you can help on the day to walk us down shortly after 9 and return for lunchtime. It is a really fun experience - no dancing required!

In RME we explored the Polish significance of Fat Thursday - with so many children with Polish ancestry in our school it was very relevant and a bit of fun too. We will explore Shrove Tuesday next week and pupils are welcome to bring in pancakes/toppings of their choice for a class snack as we will stop for break early on Tuesday to eat together.

We have a short week next week with pupils only in school MON/TUES. P7 have been asked to check over their Ardroy kit lists and start getting organised - the trip is getting closer by the minute and the children are very excited. 

Congratulations to Brooke Sanders our social target winner.

Have a lovely weekend.