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A chilly week this week so its great to see the P6/7 dressed in cosy jackets, hats and gloves. Please remember these for the remainder of the season as we will be outside when we can for outdoor learning.

This week in our writing we began exploring expositions and writing persuasive letters to Alex Bird the Active School co-ordinator. We will continue to look at persuasive writing as we make adverts for the Christmas Fayre next Friday - look out for these on SEESAW.

In maths we created nets of 3D shapes and explored the properties of triangles and circles. We ae reinforcing subtraction methods too so please ask your child about what they have learned so far.

In topic our P6s have been comparing WW1 poems. We discussed in depth The Two Fusiliers by Robert Graves and then wrote about an inspiring WW1 Figure. The P7s have looked closer at WW1 battles and have begun to learn about the treaty of Versailles.

In reading this term our focus is on summarising and the pupils have read as far as the end of Chapter 7. Please read along with us at home if you can.

Christmas has arrived and we ended the week reading one of my favourite Michael Morpurgo books and completing a series of short mini-lessons around 'Coming Home'. There is a strong message throughout the story of resilience which fits really nice with the message of this season.

We explored the 4 Sundays of Advent in RME and pupils worked in small groups to create a short presentation.

Congratulations to Jacob Myles our social target winner this week.

Christmas jumpers and Christmas Accessories can be worn over school uniform for the remainder of term.

Fingers crossed for snow & sledging this weekend!
Mrs Watt & P6/7