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Hello and Happy Friday everyone!
The days have zipped by and our pupils have packed the week with a variety of exciting and fun learning experiences.

The week started with scottish poetry recitals. The pupil performances were extremely strong and entertaining, so much so, that we ended up going to a vote on the finalists - well done to everyone! especially Freddie Lowe our class winner.  Not an easy task for Mrs Howie to select an individual winner as everyone made such an impressive performance that we ensured a wonderful treat for all the pupils with the Canmore Class Ceilidh.  This was such an incredibly fun event and the pupils were all dancing, laughing and enjoying themselves - I am so proud to be their teacher!

In our maths we have begun revising and learning about aspects of measure.  Pupils will look at perimeter and area next week and applying a formula.

In our writing we focused on Happy News and completed write-ups on the Ceilidh - read all about it and take part in the pupils Robert Burns quiz on SEESAW.

The class STEM engineering task is to design an eco friendly playground so we explored Wind turbines a little further. We also let the pupils use an anemometer to investigate wind speed in the playground - a very cool piece of kit!

Our P6 pupils have been learning about WW1 Battles and have homework to complete researching a time line of battles and their key features whilst our P7 pupils explored the persecution of others in WW2.  I brought in my grandpa Forrest's kit bag, uniform and medals for the pupils to handle. Abbie brought in a gasmask and Emily has brought in

It has been a wonderful week for all.  A wee reminder - please bring a change of shoes to wear in the carpeted classroom incase shoes get wet/muddy.

It's hard to believe its February next week ! Relax and enjoy the weekend

Mrs Watt & P67