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It is great to be back after the holidays and P6/7 have been straight to work!

In maths we have begun to look at position and movement and using a compass rose.  We have started with the 8 points and developed our application of turns and using degrees.  There is a homework task supporting this on SEESAW under activities. All pupils to complete this by next Tues.

Spooky goings on in the classroom with a direct speech punctuation lesson involving some scary and funny Halloween themed sentences/jokes.  These are home with you to see - I hope you are impressed and get a giggle too!

In Art & Design we are looking at intricate design and using detail. This week we created Sugar Skulls and I am certain you would agree your child has created their own detailed masterpiece.  The folio for the term will include Zentangling, and following design briefs of world artists’.

As part of Bounceback we read a very short children’s book called “Spookly the Square pumpkin” a childhood favourite of mine.  All his life Spookly wanted to be round like the other pumpkins but sadly he was square. Thankfully once the storm hits his own unique qualities help him save the day and his ‘squareness’ is celebrated. Lots of discussions on feelings and appreciation of what makes everyone special.

Our RME lesson continue to explore Buddhism and we learned about the Day in the Life of a Monk.

Next week we will begin reading a novel by Michael Morpurgo called ‘War Horse’. As we begin to shift away from our China Topic and move towards learning about conflict and the wars. If you have your own copy please bring it in however the school has scheduled a library loan to allow all pupils to have their own copy to read in class and keep safe in their tray.

I hope you like the Christmas Card design that your child has brought home. If is for our annual Christmas card that will be printed if you would like to order. The instructions for doing so have been e-mailed out to you. Parents are to complete the online forms and upload/scan the work if you wish to purchase a printed item.  The company have asked for the originals to be posted into them by the school. Please may these be returned by Monday 2 November. 

Halloween is not usually a ‘holiday event’ I would normally embrace however with the Covid-19 restrictions in place nationally I have made the most of it this year to ensure as many children have a chance to laugh and have fun.  The ‘spirits’ in the class have been very high this week and I am delighted to say it looks like they have all really enjoyed it – please hop on over to SEESAW for more photos from today.

Apologies for such a long update! Have a fun weekend!
Mrs Watt & the Wonderful P6/7 pupils