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A wonderful start to Term 4 on Monday with pupils quickly settling back into their learning.  A highlight was our visit from the Royal Navy Attract team who ran a series of workshops. There was a lot of team building and competitive spirit as the pupils engaged in a range of STEM challenges. Please look out for the photos on SEESAW - as their rockets were launched many ended up on the roof of the school building!

The cohort came together to celebrate Mr Morgan turning 60 - it was lovely to see all the children enjoy the festivities and we learned a few new and interesting facts about Mr Morgan including stories of his new pet pooch Dex.

We welcomed Matthew White for afternoon touch rugby taster session on Wednesday and he will return over the next 3 weeks to continue working with the pupils. Please ensure your child has appropriate clothing as this will be outside on the field. (Change of trousers, socks and footwear for re-entering the school is expected,)

We have begun learning about the upcoming Olympic Games in Paris. Pupils are completing their own guided research - please talk to your pupil about what you already know about the Olympic Games - I know they will be interested! We have looked at the Ancient Games and begun to explore the countries participating and their chosen athletes.

Congratulations to Clafel our social target winner this week.

I think this week has flown by and look forward to a busy and happy term ahead.
Enjoy the weekend
Mrs Watt & P67