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Happy Friday Everyone!

I really look forward to rounding up the week, sharing the pupil's achievements and any dates for the diary in the week ahead here on the app and I hope you find the news updates interesting and useful.

In our reading we have explored Chapter 7 in depth and learned more about the character Kensuke. Pupils have learned why he is on the island and how he has spent his time.  We have learned he lost his family in the bombing of Nagasaki and will look at what this means in our topic studies next week.

In Digital Literacy, we have been learning about and applying a technique called Rule of Thirds.  This term our pupils will be taught photography skills to help their chances of winning the Rotary Young Photographer competition.  Entries are invited using the theme 'Colours of Nature' full info available here Carnegie Dunfermline Rotary Club – Posts | Facebook.  We will submit pupil entries via the school in January but please have a look at the competition and take some snaps whilst you are out on autumn walks and send them in on SEESAW - so many wonderful colours in the season!

In our number work we have tried out a range of written strategies for multiplication and will now begin to look at division strategies before we look at fractions and percentages.

Thursday was a massive highlight in the week with all pupils participating in an Outdoor Classroom day of events brought together by our Eco Committee.  The weather was stunning and pupils created impressive Rangoli in the school playground as part of their RME lesson on the festival of Diwali.  

We also completed a whole school litter pick and explored the school grounds.  Our class learned a lot about the type of trees in their playground and completed an activity identifying leaves. Lots and lots of discussion around this learning and more resources on tree identification and estimating and measuring their height can be found here.

Outdoor Lessons | Ways to Measure a Tree | Learning through Landscapes (ltl.org.uk)

The travelling Book Fair is coming to school next week and P6/7 have a slot to go and look at what books they might want to buy. If your child sees a book that they like they will come home with a ‘wish list’ form for you to look at their choices. If you wish to purchase a book you can send in money in an envelope or follow the instructions to order online. Our slot is on Wednesday the 10th in the morning, so look out for any forms in bags on Wednesday night.

Well done to everyone who has completed their homework on SEESAW. With next week being a short week due to the In-service day on Friday there will be no new activities however pupils are reminded to continue to use Sumdog for daily spelling and math games to improve and strengthen their skills.  A little reinforcement each day makes a massive diffference over a week, a term, a year!

P6/7 finished the week with the House Day. Across the school pupils in  Fire, Air, Water & Earth worked together to create house mascots.. Who will have designed the winning mascots for the year??? I can't wait to find out ! - all the entries looked superb and the children had a great time. 

On a final note, pupils discussed firework safety and shared ideas on how to have a successful bonfire night - I was really impressed with how responsible our cohort are. Enjoy your display if you are going to one.

Congratulations to Cari Forbes our social target winner this week.  

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Watt