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Welcome back P67! What a busy first week back it has been.

In Literacy, our pupils wrote poetry about monsters hiding in their rooms and extended descriptive paragraph guided by their senses as they 'wandered through the woods', both pieces are with your child to share over the weekend.

The United Nations Climate Change Conference of Parties COP26 begins in Glasgow on Sunday.  For the next fortnight, our writing lessons will explore sustainability, global citizenship and the climate challenges. We will also be creating some Fireworks Night descriptive pieces packed full of onomatopoeia so please look out for these on SEESAW.

In our Art, we created monsters by listening carefully to descriptions and were reminded that how we visualise things in our minds eye is directly linked to the experiences in our past and current lives.  Visualising techniques were transferred into our class novel as we read through chapter 6 & 7 of Kensukes Kingdom (now available in SEESAW) and drew how we thought Kensuke looked.

In our Reading groups, we explored the characters and discussed why Kensuke was alone on the island in the first place - lots of very interesting ideas shared - but who will be correct? We will discover as we make our way into chapter 8.

In our Number work, we looked at written strategies for multiplication.  All children remembered how to complete vertical sums reasonably well so we have explored grid method for larger numbers and will continue this next week before introducing a lattice method approach before shifting over to lessons division. Please continue to practise times tables throughout Term 2 at home (Sumdog and Studyladder both have challenges set to support your child with reinforcement through game play at home.)

Homework has been completed by most pupils - please ask your child to show you theirs - new homework will be issued via the acitivity section on SEESAW on Monday due in on the Friday and should take roughly 10 mins each day. My expectation is that pupils are able to complete the tasks independently and should also be reading daily for 20mins, where possible. 

The dark mornings will be helped with the clocks going back this weekend. Children have been reminded in our Health and Wellbeing lessons how to 'dress to be seen' e.g reflective strips and flourescents as we head into the darker nights.

Congratulations to Myla Love and Emily Hands, our Social Target winners this week.

A fun way to end the week with the school embracing the Halloween spirit - so lovely to see the children laughing, dressing up and doing what kids and meant to do! If you are going out over the weekend, keep safe & have lots of fun!

Next week a wee date for diaries is Thursday 4th Nov, our Outdoor Classroom Day - please dress appropriately for very changeable weather.  We will be completing a water filtration experiment and will be outside for the afternoon. (Cosy jackets and sensible footwear please) Please bring a large empty plastic bottle if possible.

Friday 5th November is our house Day and pupils are invited to wear their house colour - more info on the app from Mrs Howie.

Congratulations to Ben Cochrane who was elected as our Eco Rep this session.

Finally heres hoping the rain stops! enjoy the weekend

Mrs Watt.