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For maths this week we have been consolidating our learning on multiplying. We have been explaining how to use the grid method for multiplying and challenging ourselves to solve a variety of multiplication problems. We have been continuing learning our times tables with a variety of games and activities.  

For writing we have been continuing to develop persuasive writing skills. This week we asked the question, 'Should we were school uniform?'. We read a persuasive text called ‘Should we wear school uniform?’ and discussed what makes a good persuasive piece of writing. The pupils were able to create their own text that shared their views, giving their opinion with reasons.  

This week we have been thinking about what makes a successful learner. We have been looking at the learner attributes of concentration, perseverance, giving task a go, using our creativity, linking our learning and being proud of our achievements to help us keep improving. In ICT we have started to create PowerPoints on one of these learner attributes with examples and we have started making posters to help explain.  

In gymnastics this week we been learning different kinds of balances. We were creating interesting body shapes while holding balances with control and confidence. We had to think about our centre of gravity and recognise its effect on the balance. Thank you again to everyone who ensured their child had indoor gym shoes, the correct clothing and no jewellery or tape to cover earrings.  

This week we celebrated Burns Day. We looked at the life of Robert Burns and some of his famous poems and songs. We designed a placemat, where we created our own tartan and included a silhouette of Burns. We also did some Scottish food and drink tasting: Irn Bru and shortbread. We also completed a Scots words quiz.

We hope you all have a great weekend!

Thank you for your support,  
Mrs Elvin, Mrs Forrest & P6