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Good Afternoon,
For maths we have been continuing our learning on fractions. We have been learning to name the parts of a fraction and be able to identify the fraction of a variety of shapes. Through problem solving activities we have been comparing fractions, ordering fractions and identify the odd one out. We started some work on using multiplying and dividing skills to make equivalent fractions, we will continue this next week. 

For Literacy we have been identifying the different characteristics of the character Auggie from our class novel Wonder by RJ Palacio. We then created our own animal character who, like Auggie, looks different on the outside for example a lion with a blue mane, or a rabbit with no ears. We used adjectives to describe our characters qualities both inside and out. 

This week we have been observing our worms and look at how our wormeries have changed as the layers of sand and soil have been mixed together by the worms. We also wrote instructions on how to make a wormery for other classes to follow.

For outdoor learning we have been checking on our plants and looking after our school environment by litter picking. We found lots of different rubbish, and our school grounds are now tidier. Thanks to all those who remembered to bring a change of shoes. We will be going out next Wednesday as well, please can you make sure your child has a change of shoes and a waterproof jacket. 

The children did an amazing job at the Creative Dance Festival! I am so proud of them. They helped put the dance routine together, practised every week and performed it amazingly! Well done P6!

Congratulations to our P6 Hockey players who won the hockey tournament. we are all very proud of your efforts, well done. 

Thank you for your support,  
Mrs Elvin, Mrs Forrest & P6