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For maths this week we have continued our learning on division. We have been learning a long division strategy to help answer more complicated calculations. We have been continuing to develop our problem-solving skills and applying our knowledge to solve a multiples problem and a double and halving problem.
We have come to the end of our time topic in maths and all children have shown progress after completing an end of topic assessment. Well done P6!

We have been learning to write a recount of a story. We watched a Pixar short called 'Lifted' and wrote a recount of the story from one of the characters' perspective. 

All P6 pupils had the opportunity this week to take part in Hockey a session with Douglas Hill.

In health and wellbeing, we have been learning strategies to help boosting positive emotions. We have been learning about the 'SHINE" strategy. This stands for ‘Show kindness to others, have a laugh together, investigate and be curious, notice the world around you and take part in exercise.’ We discussed different ways you can take part in these activities. 

In project, we focused on the respiratory system this week. We looked at the impact smoking can have on your body. Children started posters to demonstrate how much damage smoking can cause.

We will be outside for outdoor learning this week and we will be going down to the field so please can you ensure your child has wellies or outdoor shoes and a waterproof jacket. 

Thank you for your support,  
Mrs Elvin, Mrs Forrest & P6