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For Maths this week we have been continuing our learning on multiplying. We have used the grid method to answer word problems and we have been showing our understanding of multiplying by completing a think board. The think board has four parts, we show our multiplying sum as an array, a number story, using the grid method and as a number sentence.  We have also been working on time. Some children have been practising reading analogue clocks and others have been reading timetables. We also worked on our 9 times table and have a number of strategies to help us memorise this times table.

For Literacy we have been learning about using different kinds of conjunctions to extend our sentences. We read a chapter of Wonder and used this as a context to write sentences about the character Auggie using conjunctions.  
This week we had an internet safety talk from the police. The talk was about the importance of staying safe online, not giving out personal information, not chatting online to people you don't know in the real world, and to report any concerns to a trust adult, and CEOP Child Exploitation and Online Protection website. They also discussed social media apps and video games such as call of duty and how these have an age limit. The pupils have been encouraged to talk to their parents about any concerns they have about internet safety and also about an app called Family Link where you can monitor your child's smartphone or tablet from your own device to ensure they are safe online.  

In Gymnastics this week we been learning different kinds of jumps and have been practising turning as we jump. Thank you to everyone who ensured their child had indoor gym shoes, the correct clothing and no jewellery or tape to cover earrings.  

We started reciting our Burns poems. Thank you to the children who had the confidence to stand up in front of the class and perform. They should be very proud of themselves.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

Thank you for your support,  
Mrs Elvin, Mrs Forrest & P6.