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The last full week of P6 has went by so quickly!

We have had lots of fun activities. The children got to meet their new teacher on Monday. On Tuesday we got to watch the P7 show, which was fantastic! On Wednesday, children were writing letters to their buddies. And yesterday, P6 got their bouncy castle end of term treat, along with an ice lolly!

As you are aware, today is my last day. I’m so sad to be leaving the week before we all finish up but I have had the loveliest day with P6. I just want to take this opportunity to thank all of the children for a wonderful year. I have loved teaching your children and it has been a very special year for me. They have all grown as individuals and it has been lovely to see. They will be an incredible P7! Thank you to all of you for your support throughout the year. And a huge thank you for all the gifts, cards and kind words. I am overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity. I will make sure to visit after Baby Forrest arrives.

I hope you all have the best summer, and thank you again!
Mrs Forrest 😊