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Our sock snowies have been a hit, with almost all of them sold! We still have a few available so if you still wish to buy one, please bring £2 in by the end of term.

P6 had their Christmas party this week, which was lots of fun! We played a range of party games: Musical Statues, Musical Chairs, Pass the Parcel and Corners. Lots of excellent dance moves too!

In Writing, we used the Coca Cola advert from last year as inspiration. The children had to write a recount about the father’s epic journey. Children had to use their five senses to describe the journey, and did so very well.

Children have been creating lots of Christmas crafts over the past few weeks. They have all now created a Christmas card, 2021 calendar and Christmas tree decoration. If these have not been brought home yet, they should be by the end of today.

I hope you all have a festive weekend, Mrs Forrest 😊