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Firstly, it was so lovely to speak to so many of you and share how well your children have settled into P6 and the progress they have made.

P6 have had another busy week.

In Maths, we have focused on written strategies in addition. Some children have been carrying out BIDMAS calculations involving negative numbers – very challenging work!

In Project, the children have been learning about The Stone of Destiny and the history attached to this.

In PE, the children were learning about the different positions in netball, and played their first netball game in P6.

After a very successful Macmillan Fun Day, we raised an amazing £700! We also got to share the winners of the competitions at Reconnector. Congratulations to all the winners, including Heidi, the winner of the upper colouring competition!

Finally, I would just like to say a huge thank you to the children for helping me celebrate my 30th birthday! The children were so kind and thoughtful. I got lots of beautiful cards and gifts, and I am so appreciative and grateful for how wonderful the children were. They really made it a very special birthday.

I hope you all have a great weekend, Mrs Forrest 😊