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This week we have been learning to add large numbers and decimal numbers using the standard written method.   We have been practising mentally adding a single digit to a 3 digit number. We have been discussing different strategies to add for example, partitioning, counting on and using our knowledge of doubles or near doubles. We have also started learning about shapes and this week we were identifying properties of 2D shapes.

We have been finishing off our Rotary Art and Writing competitions on the theme of 'rebuilding. We have been using our typing skills to write our poems and stories. 

We started to discuss the Christmas Fayre and children were set the task to come up with a company name, logo and slogan. A winner will be chosen next week.

Unfortunately, due to the weather we were unable to go outside for Run Club and Outdoor learning. So for P.E we developed our fitness skills through taking part in a fitness circuit. For Outdoor Learning, we learned about the anatomy of a flower. We did observational drawings of flowers and then pulled the flower apart to look at the different parts and drew and labelled the anatomy of the flower.  We will continue as the weather allows to go out for Run Club and Outdoor Learning on a Wednesday. Please can you make sure that your child has a waterproof jacket, a change of shoes/wellies and socks for outdoor learning. 

Thank you, 
Mrs Elvin, Mrs Forrest & P6