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This week for writing we have been looking at openers and how we can up-level sentences by using different openers to add more description. We have been highlighting what we think are good parts of our writing in pink and areas we think we can improve in green. We have also been reflecting on our writing and thinking about a Personal Target (P.T). 
In numeracy we have been continuing our learning about place value and have consolidated the skill of reading large numbers and writing them in words. We have also been learning the skills of rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000, and multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000. In measurement, we have been looking at reading scales. The children were focusing on mass this week, and were using scales to measure a range of items.

In social studies/science, we focused on gravity and air resistance. The children created a parachute for an egg, with the aim to create enough air resistance to prevent the egg from smashing. In the words of the Wicked song, they were ‘Defying Gravity.’ Some were successful... some not so much.

The highlight of this week was starting our outdoor learning, we will be taking part in the John Muir award this session. We started by researching about John Muir and taking notes. We very much enjoyed our time outside collecting berries, and we hope to make ink with our berries to use for art and craft projects.  

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Elvin, Mrs Forrest & P6