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Week 3

A Very Busy Week!

What a super week it has been in P6.  The week got off to an amazing start with the visit of PARS in the Media quickly followed up with PARS Tackle Health.  Representatives and players from Dunfermline Athletic Football Club were in class all day on Monday to discuss the importance of good Literacy skills (presented in a media context) as well as the importance of diet and exercise to ensure a Healthy Life. The pupils were very engaged and a little ‘awe-struck’ that they had some professional football players in class. Lots of signing of autographs at the end of the day! A massive thank you was given to the players especially for giving up their Monday afternoon to come into Canmore.

On Tuesday we had another visit from the Badminton coach and she mentioned that P6 were a very talented class. Her last visit is next week.

In Literacy, we have been using the context of the 5th of November to discuss poetry. Lots of lovely poems and artwork coming from that too. In Numeracy, the class have embraced the role of ‘Be the Teacher’ by working on an explanation of how to do long multiplication. Many of their videos have now been posted into their Seesaw learning journal folders.

On the subject of Seesaw, I hope that you are enjoying getting to know about your child’s day through the regular updates that are being added to their learning journal folders. Please use these as a prompt and an opportunity for them to discuss and share their week.  If you are still not signed up to Seesaw, or having difficulties, please let me know and I will try to do what I can to help.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mr Morgan.