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P5/6 Update

Good afternoon everyone,

Our last full week has come to an end and despite the end of term approaching very quickly, we have still kept busy with our learning in class.

This week in Literacy, we have continued working on our persuasive writing and questioning skills. We started the week by looking at how a strong opening argument in a debating situation can really help convince the audience. Mixed in with his was work on questioning skills where the class had to ask a range of open and closed questions. To further develop our questioning skills, we had a little fun on Tuesday trying to last one minute not saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Well done to Callum Fraser who was very tactful with his answers! The only one in class who was able to last the full minute, and that included me too!

In Numeracy, we have continued working to consolidate our learning and started some assessment pieces.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, those P6’s who have a new P1 buddy next year got to meet them briefly. It was lovely when they returned from the picnic so happy, excited and full of enthusiasm for when they get to meet them again in the new term.

The last bits of filming are getting done for Mary, Queen of Scots clips and we are hoping to get these uploaded to Seesaw next week.

Finally, as the recent Canmore Junior Sports Leader Logo competition was won by Weronika Trebicka’s fantastic design, the reward is an extra session of sports for the class. This will be led by Mrs Hay and members of the JSL team. As this will be on Monday morning, please can the class come dressed in their PE clothes on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week.

I hope that you all have a super weekend. Keep safe and fingers crossed that we get more of the recent good weather.

Have a great weekend and I will catch up with you all next week for our last week of term.

Mr. Morgan.