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Good afternoon everyone.

Another busy week has come to a close in P5/6 and it has been one with some brand-new learning for the class. This week we have started to learn a little French! The class have been very enthusiastic and have started with learning how to say hello, goodbye and to ask how you are. Next week, we will move on to learning more greetings and some of the words and phrases that would be useful around school.

In Literacy, we have worked hard on our reading comprehension and spelling. We have also worked hard on our note-taking skills which have allowed us to write accurate, fact-based scripts all about the life of Mary, Queen of Scots for our greenscreen recorded mini-clips. This links in well with our learning in Digital Literacy, where we looked at the best way to logically sequence storylines and scenes in preparation for filming on Tuesday morning. It was so funny to see Father Tom, who looked very much like the Pope, walking very regally through the classroom. For those of you that have seen the clips on Seesaw, I hope you have really enjoyed sharing their learning. More clips will be uploaded as soon as the editing is complete.

Our editing has been delayed mainly due to a refocussing of our time towards the latest Fife-wide Sumdog Maths Challenge. The class have really tried hard and have been super at motivating each other to do the best they can. As I type this, we are currently sitting in 4th place overall in Fife, which is a wonderful achievement. A special mention has to go to Freddie Lowe and Emily Hands who have both been placed within the top 10 pupils in Fife. Everyone who took part also deserves a big well done as their enthusiasm was clear to see. I will update you with the final results as soon as they come in.

I hope that you all have a lovely long weekend and that the weather is kind to you too. Have a lovely relaxing few days everyone. Take care.

Mr. Morgan.