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I would like to start by saying that it was so nice to catch up with some you this week during our parent contact telephone calls. I really enjoyed chatting with you and I look forward to speaking with even more of you on Monday.

In Numeracy, the class continue to work on fractions and we have moved on to trying to calculate simple fractions of amounts. In Literacy, we have reviewed our research, note-taking and factual news reporting skills. In RME, we linked our discussion to the time around Mary, Queen of Scots, how the Church changed in the 1500’s and how that Reformation to two main areas of Christianity still exists today.

Thursday marked World Earth Day and many of the class mentioned how much they enjoyed working with the lights off. Of course, it was a bright sunny day on Thursday and we have the advantage of three large windows/doors in our area but it gave us the chance to discuss just how much electricity we do waste.

The highlight of the week is once again our work on our new context for learning Mary, Queen of Scots. Setting the context for her life and discussing with the class just what life was like for everyday people during the 1500’s really caught their imagination and made then fully engage in their learning. My apologies if they discussed the five ways to be punished by death for stealing a chicken over the dinner table that night! Discussing being hung, drawn and quartered is not quite appropriate for tea-time, however, it really made them a lot more appreciative of how we live today!

And on a much lighter note, can I wish you all an enjoyable weekend. Enjoy the sunshine and keep safe.

Mr. Morgan.