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Good afternoon everyone.

Well, here we are once more at the end of the first week of term. It has been a fantastic week and the class have settled very well back into their learning once more.

In Numeracy, we have re-capped our learning from the end of last term on fractions. The class worked very hard on this and have increased their understanding on how to change a simple fraction to an equivalent fraction, to a percentage and finally on to a decimal fraction. It was really pleasing to see so many smiling and proud pupil faces when they realised that they had got it!

In Literacy, we have been working on our spelling and have continued to look at functional writing. We have looked at how to create step-by-step instructions that are clear and easily understood – not as easy a task as you might think!

I think that the highlight of the week has to have been our Context for Learning, where we have been using our Digital Literacy skills to produce a presentation of knowledge video clip on Space. Using our class greenscreen area, groups have worked very hard to script and create a video. A few of these have been posted on Seesaw and one was even shared at the Reconnector session earlier today. Everyone has been so motivated and engaged in their learning – I’m a very proud teacher today.

I hope that you all have a wonderful and relaxing weekend.

Mr. Morgan.