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Our Reconnector today had the theme of 'Being Active'.  We certainly have been active recently!  Mrs Hay was very proud of our P7 Leadership Team for their support in organising and running the Sports Days for P1-3 and P4-7.  A great time was had by all and we even got to watch ourselves today in the film created by Mrs Hay.
We spoke about the importance of being active, not just in keeping us physically fit and healthy but being mentally fit and healthy too.  We watched a clip of how being active helps our bodies and minds.
Congratulations were given to Sophia Mackie who came first in running with an improved time of 13.07 secs for 100m race. This time has put her in the top ten and current fastest for distance and age.  Olympics here you come Sophia!
As part of our reflection on this school year, we also answered some questions about our learning and how we know our next steps.
Our Social Target this week was 'I can line up safely, quietly and on time' - Well done to Lewis Turner, Katie Lyall, Jack Allday and Aimee MacDonald!  Next week our target will be ' I can set a good example to others'.