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I hope you all enjoyed your Autumn break. The children seem to have had a lovely time and it sounds like they have been very busy. The children are settling into our routine again and looking forward to all the exciting things we will be learning and doing this term.We have welcomed Miss Haverstock into our class and she will be working with us over the next 5 weeks.
On Tuesday we were very excited to start our guitar lessons with Mr Lees. Each week the children will bring home their guitar on a Tuesday and should return it to school on Friday. In Numeracy,  we are continuing with our topic on Measure and this week we have been calculating Area. In Science this week, we have started to learn about magnetism as a force. We had great fun investigating the different ways magnets work,and learning about attraction and repulsion and the two poles on a magnet. In P.E, we have completed our creative dance to the music of 'This Is Me' from The Greatest Showman and we look forward to sharing it with you soon.
We are very excited about our Science workshop tomorrow and can't wait to find out what we will be learning and doing. Many thanks to all who responded to our plea for junk for the event.
Just a reminder that our P.E days are still a Tuesday and a Thursday, and that all children should have P.E kit on these days. 
Mrs Haddow