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Good afternoon

This week in primary 5 we have been having lots of fun developing the skills necessary to be able to work as a team. We had lots of fun building upon our communication skills through a simple drawing activity, where the results were really quite funny … and highlighted that we need to be very clear and detailed when we give instructions. We also had fun learning how to make sure everyone in a team knows their task when we were building towers and designing healthy plates of food. Each team in the class is very keen to win our team skills competition and earn as many points as they can through completing team tasks and demonstrating teamwork skills. The competition will continue next week, with more fun activities planned.
A firm favourite this week has been planning and making a healthy snack. A quick survey of the snacks we brought to school highlighted that by far the majority of the snacks we eat are in the fats and sugars food group, with a few fruits brought in too. As the fats and sugars group is the smallest part of a balanced, healthy diet we decided to try and make our snacks healthy. A big part of this was looking at how small changes to the ingredients can make things much healthier, e.g. we swapped white flour for wholemeal flour, white sugar for honey or brown sugar, milk chocolate for dark chocolate and used skimmed milk and plant based butter. The results were healthy waffles served with fresh fruit, fresh fruit dipped in chocolate, healthy choc chip cookies and fresh fruit ice lollies. I have to say, the results were delicious and all went down very well with the class. In fact, several children have requested the recipe for the cookies, so I will post the link on Seesaw.  I can’t tell you how relieved I was not to make cookies and waffles without setting off the fire alarm too!
On top of all of this we have also been very busy finishing off our topic on fractions by looking at adding fractions and changing improper fractions to mixed numbers. We also practised our formal letter writing skills, and learned all about conductors and insulators in science.
Can I please just remind everyone that all children must have a change of shoes with them to wear on Field Good Fridays? I know it is May, but it is Scotland. The weather is very changeable, and last week 5 children did not have a change of shoes when the grass was very wet and quite muddy in places.
Also, can you please return all trip forms and money by Tuesday 17th May, as the dinner ladies need to order in enough supplies for all the school packed lunches required?
Many thanks for your help and co-operation,
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Haddow