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Here we are again at the end of another busy week. The time just seems to fly by in Primary 5.
This week in numeracy we have been focussing on reading and writing am/pm times and on converting between 12 and 24 hour times. We are making very good progress with this, although we will need to consolidate our work on 24hr time next week. Please continue to support your child with their work on reading clocks by asking them to read clocks in their environment and by asking them how many minutes past the last hour and until the next hour it is.
In literacy we have been busy discussing and studying the main characters in our new class novel and considering why two such different characters are close friends. We have also been developing our vocabulary by learning to use synonyms and to consider the effect they can have on text.
This week in outdoor learning we were preparing to get involved in the annual RSPB Birdwatch. Taking part in this survey will allow us to engage in the ‘Helping the Environment” element of our Natural Connections Award. We will be taking part in the survey next week, so we had great fun, and a very messy time, making bird feeders to put up to encourage local birds into our school grounds. Let’s hope they enjoy their feast.
Finally, I am really looking forward to listening to the children reciting their Scottish poems on Monday. They have been working really well in class on this task, and you might like to listen to them practising their poems over the weekend to give them your support, help and encouragement.
I hope you have a lovely weekend
Mrs Haddow