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Primary 5 (and The Fairtrade Choconanas) have had a very productive, and busy week. I have to say I have been very impressed with the enthusiasm and commitment shown by the class to our Enterprise project.
Our week got off to an excellent start when the Finance Team met with Mrs Howie with the aim of persuading her to give us a loan to buy the materials we needed to make our Enterprise products. They presented her with their financial plan, showed her examples of the products we plan to make and persuaded her that we could make a healthy profit – and importantly, return the loan. The team did a fantastic job, and successfully persuaded her to give us the money we needed. Brilliant work by all those involved.
Now we could really get started. The Advertising Team investigated some of the techniques advertisers use to persuade people to buy products, then set about drafting posters to display around the school. Once the drafts were edited and tweaked, they moved on to create their final copies, which are looking fantastic and displaying a number of great techniques.
The Stall Design Team have been very creative, and have designed a really attractive stall around Fairtrade colours. They have created bunting displaying the company name, planned and created ways to display our products and designed and created price labels. They have had some problems to overcome on the way, but have shown resilience and excellent thinking skills.
Quality Control had to wait to get started on their real jobs as we had to make things for them to assess, but whilst waiting they were kept very busy preparing materials ready for our Production Team to get started. Finally they got started on quality control itself, and have been very creative and shown real attention to detail in their work.
After such a fantastic start to the week, the Finance Team have been preparing to tell the school about our tuck shop at Monday’s reconnecter, and have prepared a Powerpoint to show at this. They also created an app to send out to the school community to inform parents of the event.
The team work and focus from the children has been wonderful to see, and the children have been learning and using so many different skills in a meaningful context: persuasive writing, persuasive talking, communication skills, teamwork, problem solving, creativity, neat presentation, maths and money skills, discussing, compromising, perseverance and resilience to name but some. As I said at the start, and as I’m sure you will agree – a very busy and productive week.
Today our Christmas Craft Sale has gone live and your child’s beautiful craft can be seen on Seesaw. If you wish to buy it, send £2 in to school in a sealed envelope with your child’s name on the front.
Next Wednesday is the date of our school Christmas lunch, so if your child wishes a Christmas lunch please book that using I-Pay .
Next Friday is our Christmas Party. As the children will come to school in their party clothes, there will be no Field Good Friday – I feel party clothes and outdoor learning are not a good mix!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Haddow