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Good afternoon
It was lovely to see the children back in school on Monday and they have settled well into the new term - although there have been some tired faces by the end of the week!
This week we have started the topic of addition in Numeracy and the children have been learning to use number line jumps. I have been very impressed with how well they have been using this strategy and some children have really been challenging themselves to do harder sums. We even started to use this strategy to work out missing numbers in sums, and with a little more practise in this next week, I am sure they will be doing this quite confidently.
In Literacy, we have started our class novel 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.'  We have been discussing Roald Dahl's  characterisation, and in Writing, we were investigating what makes a good character description. This will be our focus in writing over the next few weeks.
We are continuing with our topic on Oceans, and this week we were looking at the damage human activity is doing to the oceans and to sea life. This will tie in well with Cop26 which starts next week as we look more closely at recycling, reusing and reducing waste.
It was lovely to see everyone enjoying our Halloween activities today, and dressing for the occasion. Lots of fun was had throughout the day. I hope you all have a fun Halloween weekend too.
Mrs Haddow