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Well, here we are at the end of term 1 - I don't know about you but I feel the term has just flown by.
Presenting our Ocean Powerpoints has been a big feature of this week. The children all presented their own Powerpoints, demonstrating their growing skills in adding text, images, animations and transitions. They also practised their skills in presenting to an audience - an important life skill for the future. I was very impressed at how all the children, without exception, rose to the challenge. I know this took a number out of their comfort zone, but they all had a go and gave it their best effort. A huge well done to everyone.
We have now finished our topic on shape, and the children are all much more confidently recognising and naming shapes. In mental maths we have been revisiting our times tables, and they are all quite aware of the tables, and individual questions, they most need to practise. 
In social studies the children have been excited to research an ocean creature of their own choice, and we have started to create lap books on these. They are all very enthusiastic about these, and are enjoying learning more about their chosen creature, and personalising their own work.
Congratulations to Fire for winning the House of the Term, and the well deserved end of term treat.
I hope you have a lovely, relaxing and safe holiday, and look forward to welcoming the children back in 2 weeks time.
Mrs Haddow