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First of all can I just say it has been lovely to speak with so many of you this week during our parent contact sessions, and to share with you how your child is settling into primary 5. I look forward to chatting with more of you next week.

This week in primary 5 we have finished our topic on 2D shape, learning about parallel and perpendicular lines, the different types of triangles and their properties, and identifying shapes in our environment. Look out for some photos on Seesaw showing what we found exploring our school grounds outside.
In literacy we have been continuing with our work on inferential comprehension and we are all making good progress with this. In writing we created our own imaginative 'finding' story, and the children have been very creative with their ideas and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading them.
In social studies we have been learning how animals have adapted to live in the different levels of the ocean ... and saw some very weird and wonderful creatures from the deep.
We had lots of fun yesterday at the Macmillan Fun Day organised by primary 6. The children enjoyed taking part in all the different activities. Well done to primary 6 for making this such a fun and successful event. Today we all had a go at the Race For Life and made a fantastic effort at running round the field 6 times. We will certainly have improved our fitness after completing that challenge.
Thank you for all of your support for Macmillan.
I hope you all have a fun weekend.
Mrs Haddow