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My goodness, our first full week of school has come to an end already, and it seems to have flown past.
This week we have been busy settling into the routine of our new timetable. In numeracy we have started to work on place value and learning to read and write large numbers and recognise the value of digits within numbers. We have enjoyed learning this through a variety of games, activities, and written work.
In literacy I have been hearing all the children read aloud for the first time, and have been organising them into appropriate groups. Please be aware that these groups are not set in stone yet, as changes may need to be made once I have heard them read more often. In writing we are revisiitng our sentence building skills, and we were very creative when we were given the opportunity to free write on any topic we wanted. I have been very impressed by their imagination in these.
In social studies we have been learning the names and locations of the oceans of the world, and in science we had lots of fun learning about the three states of matter, and how water can change it's state of matter. The children loved being outdoors playing the games, and particularly enjoyed proving that water (flavoured) can change into a solid by freezing it (yum!). 
Once again can I please remind you to visit I-pay impact and make your child's lunch choices, even if your child is bringing a packed lunch from home? Thank you.
I hope you enjoy a fun weekend
Mrs Haddow